Family Law, Trusts & Estates

Quick and Fair

Experienced in settling cases quickly and fairly. Each case is unique and each client deserves an approach tailored to their needs and priorities. Settlement allows the client to find a solution that makes sense for them.

Expert Legal Services

Experienced in trials, from small trials to lengthy and complex trials, in state and federal court. In most cases, the goal is to resolve the dispute before going to trial. The best way to avoid trial, however, is to prepare for it from the first day of the case.

Highly Recommend

Trained in mediation for civil and domestic relations cases. Mediation allows the parties to find their own best solution instead of leaving their fates to the court. As a mediator, I focus on forward-looking solutions that work for all parties.

What We Do

Our Practice Areas


We provide legal services for pre-nuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, divorce, custody, parenting time, UCCJEA issues, property division, spousal support, child support, mediation, settlement, and trial. We represent clients in high-net-worth and high-conflict divorce and custody cases.


Specialize in drafting appeals in state and federal court for a variety of cases, including bankruptcy, securities, family law, and criminal cases.

Trusts and Estates

We provide legal services for clients needing estate planning including trusts, wills, health care power of attorney, and trust administration.

Free 15-minute phone consultations. Or choose a more in-depth one-hour consultation, including a brief review of documents, for $250.

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